The Process

The licensing process should be approached methodically.  Don't try to rush or skip over a step.  Carefully negotiate each step and before you know it you will find your self with a license agreement and royalties.  Follow these steps:

1. Prototype:  Develop a prototype or have a fully working product.  A fully functional product that you can put through all the paces to show how it works will be one that is more attractive than one that is still in the concept stage. 

2.  Protect the Idea:  Get legal protection such as Patent, Trademark or Copyright.  This is an important step.  Licensees don't want to put a product on the market that could cost them in legal fees or competition for another source because the product is not protected.

3.  Get Market Response:  It's even better if you already have the product on the market with a sales record.  If the product is being received well by consumers it will be more attractive to a potential Licensee because you've established that there is a market for the product.

4.  Determine Licensing Direction:  There are one of three ways you can approach licensing the product.  You must decide which one to go with.

- Use an Agent/Consultant:  This is a middleman who will act on your behalf to do the leg work and seek out a Licensee and get an agreement.  However, you will have to share your royalties with the Agent/Consultant.

- Go directly to a Retailer and license to them:  This route would mean more work on your part.  You would probably have a harder time getting a face-to-face meeting.

- License to Industry Experts:  These are licensing entities that speicalize in the development & distribution of products to Retails.  You can approach them directly without the help of an Agent/Consultant and seek an agreement.

5. Identify Potential Licensees:  Develop a list of potential Licensees that you will approach.  Find the ones that specialize in your product area.  Find the best ones regardless of geographic location.  Be willing to travel to their locations.

6.  Approach Potential Licensees:  Send them a letter to introduct your slef and your product and ask for a meeting.  Reach out to Potential Licensee with a letter:  The letter should short & concise and contain the following elements.

a.  Introduction:

b. Describe the Product:

c.  Describe the problem it will solve:

d. Describe the target market:

e.  Ask for a meeting:


7.  Meet with Potential Licensees:  Once you get the meeting make the pitch.  Do the following when making the pitch.

aTake sample/prototype:  Find out how many people will be in the meeting and have enough to pulace one in everyone's hand.

b Introduction:  Introduce yourself and the product.  Be short on background history.

c Pitch The Product:  Say what the product is for (what problem does it solve); demonstrate how it work; identify the target audience; provide sales numbers and consumer reception feedback.

d Ask for A Decision:  You're there to get a decision so, be sure to ask for one.

e. Ask for A Followup Meeting:  Ask for a followup meeting if necessary to address any issues raided during the meeting or to get a final agreement signed.  Buy time to get the agreement legally reviewed.


8. Licensing Agreement:  The licensing agreement is crucial.  Make sure that it contain all the elements and terms before signing.  Do not sign it without getting a legal review.

9.  Production Phase:  Depending on the nature and complexity of the product the Licensee may want the Licensor to be involved in some way or the Licensor may want to be involved to ensure that product is being manufactured to the right specs.

10.  Collect Royalties:  Sit back and collect royalties and monitor your agreement.