Consider these location tips when trying to find a location for your small business.  

Brand Image:  The location should compliment your brand.  Locating the business in a strip mall may not be in line with way you want to brand your business.  Well developed brands such as McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks can be found almost everywhere.  But other brands that are still trying to gain that level of recognition have to be more selective in where they place their businesses. 


Suppliers:  If you have the type of business that requires bulk delivery of raw materials you have to ensure that your facility can accommodate such shipments.  This means you may need a loading dock, forklift, overhead lift, etc.  If your supplies are arriving in small packages that can be delivered to the front door then you have a different requirement.  Ensure that your facilities can accommodate the delivery of supplies.


Future Growth:  As your company grows there will be a need for more space.  Factor future growth into your current space needs.  It can be costly to find a new location and move the business in order to accommodate growth in the business.


Accessability:  Ensure that your facilities are accessable.  If you’re just seeking an office space then parking is important not only for you and your employee3s but also for your customers.  If you have a retail operation in addition to you and your employees your customers will also need a place to park.  Walkways must be able to accommodate foot traffic.  Most people will drive to get to you so roadways must be able to lead auto traffic to your business. 


Site Characteristics:  There are other characteristics about the site that you should consider.  These includes electricity, water, Internet connection; air conditioning, elevators, security, etc.  Ensure that these things are available and can accommodate your needs.


Hidden Costs:  Look for hidden cost such as malfunctioning elements of the facility.  This could be broken bulbs, damaged electrical wiring, broken air conditioner, damaged doors, missing keys, etc.


Rental Cost:  The rental cost will be one of your biggest overhead expenses.  The rental cost should fit your budget.  Find out what the going rate is in the area before you sign the lease.  Negotiate for a monthly payment date that is convenient to you.

See more on finding a location.