How Do You Get Your Products Into Trader Joe's:


Trader Joe's:   Trader Joe's is a specialty grocery store with over 399 stores nationwide that sells organic and non-Genetically Modified (GMO-free) products.  It is headquartered in Monrovia, CA. 

Product Categories:

Their product categories include: No Gluten, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fat Free, Quick Meal, Kosher and Sodium. 


Vendor Program:

Trader Joe's vendor program is simple.  All you have to do is to complete a simple form and wait for someone to contact you.  Be prepared to provide basic company and contact information and answer some key questions such as:

- Is the product currently sold at other retailers?
- Is the product GMO-Free (non-Genetically Modified)?
- Is the Product MSG- Free (
- Is the product free of artificial flavors?
- Is the product free of synthetic colors?
- Is the product free of added trans fats?
- Is the product free of artificial preservatives?
- Are you prepared to provide an approved nutritional analysis of the product?
- Is the product being produced in an FDA or USDA licensed & approved facility?
- Does the facility carry safety certifications,k including GMP & HACCP?
- What other food safety certifications do you have?