What Is HR Outsourcing

Outsourcing the HR function means that you've chosen to have another organization perform those functions for you.  In return for performing those functions they will charge you a fee.

This means that the hiring and firing, managing employee benefits, withholding and paying taxes will be performed by another organization that specializes in this function.

Why Outsource

The HR function can be time consuming and complicated for a startup business.  You can avoid the pitfall of managing employee benefits, hiring and firing by outsourcing this function. You can also avoid many legal issues associated with HR functions.  This could reduce your overhead expenses and add to the profit margin.

Outsourcing Organizations

Below is a list of organization that perform HR outsourcing.

1Source HR
HR Research Center
Kim Staff HR
MMC, Inc.
National Employer Solutions, Inc.
nStyle COEUS Group
Precision Payroll of America, Inc.
Pro Service
The HR Companies
Action Professional Outsourcing
Adams Keegan
Best Employment Solution Team
Certified Services, LLC
Compass Human Resources
Employer Solutions Group, LLC
Employer Resources
Encore HR
Alpha Staff
LMC Resources
Midwest HR, LLC
Pay Source USA
Prime Source Management
Workforce Solutions