What Is A Heat Map?

A heatmap for marketing purposes is a geographical representation of data such as current and potential customers on a color coded map.  It enables you to graphically display potential cusomters by income, age, sex, social trends, etc.  Showing a graphic depiction of where you potential customers are will enable you to direct your marketing efforts to where it will have the greatest impact.  It enables you to see trends and patterns.  Spot changes in customer behavior and market conditions.  Discover areas for expansion or market gaps.


You probably already have the information on your customers in a spreadsheet, database or somewhere in the cloud.  You can take that information and have it graphically represented on a map where it viewed  and analyzed in a more effective way.


These are some of the software available to help you establish your own heatmap.





You can configure a Potential Customers map and share it with the Marketing group in your organization. Marketing staff can then access the map on their smartphones or tablets with the Explorer for ArcGIS application.


Geopointe can locate any Salesforce data, anywhere in the world. These searches could be anything from a view of all accounts, clustered by concentrations, to a small neighborhood search for local leads and prospects. Geopointe will locate it (based on either an address or coordinates) and present it to you on an interactive Google Map.

Google Maps

You can use Google Maps to plot the location of your customers and get a visual view of where they are located in relation to each other and your geographical customer base. 


With Map Business Online, you can track existing customers and potential leads for all of your sales and marketing efforts. MBO geolocation visualization tools make it easy to map customer locations in support of sales efforts.


Mapline offers a free and paid service.  You can use the free service to practice using the software then upgrade to one of the paid services depending on your requirements.

Mapmycustomers Import customers with ease from excel, address book, or drag-and-drop via the app and site. Add groups & territories to easily hide/show sets of customers, and set reminders and check-ins so that you know where you went and didn't go