Your customers can teach a lot of things about your business.  Paying attention to what your customers are telling your directly or indirectly can not only save you money but it can also help your business to prosper.


These are the top 10 things you can learn from your customers.


1.  Good and Fast Service Is Essential:


Customers want fast service, but they also want that service to be good.  Fast service that does not deliver the value that the customer is expecting does not leave the customer feeling satisfied.  Image if you took your car into a fast oil change service that does the job in 10 minutes but returned the car to you with only half of the required oil which later resulted in engine failures.  There is a great chance that you will never utilize that service again. Fast service is good but, it must deliver the value that the customer expects. 


2. Personal Touch Is Much Preferrable:


Customers want to know that you are catering to them specifically.  They want the personal touch.  Start by knowing their names and what they like.  Special offers that targets them individually will leave a lasting impression.  Making special offers ont their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. shows that you care and you’re willing to go the extra step to provide that personal touch.  Another way you can provide a personal touch is to not use automated answering services.  When a customer calls to make a complaint or get information the last thing they want to do is to talk to a machine.  They want a person on the other end answering their questions.  Automated answering services may be cheaper than having a human being but you lose the gains when customers are turned off by that and go elsewhere.


3.  How is My Brand Doing:


Your customers can tell you how your brand is doing.  The people who use your products are the best source for information on how your brand is doing.  They can tell you if the brand has a positive or negative image.  Ask your customers questions such as: what do you think of our logo/product/service, etc., do you have positive or negative view?; what specifically do you like or don’t like about our logo/product/service, etc.?;  what would you change?


4.  Is there Loyalty To My Business:


You can learn whether or not customers are loyal to your business.  If customers are loyal they will come back and keep coming back.  They will come and buy your product over a competitor’s product even if your product is priced a little higher.  If they are loyal they will tell others about your business and encourage them to come and buy your products.


5. You Should Listen To Them:


Customers want you to listen to them.  They have a lot to say about your business and they want you to listen to their feedback and take it seriously.  They want you to ask them for feedback.  They will not come out and volunteer it automatically.  There are different ways that you can ask for customer feedback.  You can do so through short surveys that can be conducted online or on a piece of paper; you can ask customers to leave anonymous feedback on a 3”x2” card which they can drop into a box situated in the store; You can verbally ask questions and solicit feedback; etc.


6.  Specials Offers Are Much Appreciated:


Customers like specials.  Specials give them a reason to buy.  Customers want a reason to buy.  Learn more about discounts and special offers.


7.  The Customer is Always Right:


Your customers want you to know that they are always right, even when they are wrong.  You’re not in business to score points with your customers, hence, proving that you’re always right will win you no points with your customers.  However, treating your customers like they’re always right will win them over.  So when a customer returns an item and claims that it is defective, assume that it is and re-imburse the customer.


8.  Taking Complaints Is A Good Thing:


Customes want to know that if they have a complaint about the product or service they receive that they can contact the company to voice those complaints.  Having a complaint handling system in place gives the impression that the business is serious about taking care of it’s customers.  A complaint system can consist of emails, text messaging, phone, etc.


9.  You Must Keep Your Promises:


When you make a promise to your customers they expect you to keep it.  If you state that your store will be open between 9:00am and 5:00pm, make sure that it is.  When you place an item on sale at a 35% discount, make sure that you sell the item at a 35% discount.  If you promise that a product is of a good quality, make sure that it is.  A promise is a promsie and customers don’t want to be lied to.


10.  Be Available At Convenient Times:


Your customers expect you to be available at times that are most convenient to them.  This means that you have to know your customers and arrange for your busienss to be open to serve customers at the most opportune time.  This may require that you open early or late, and on weekends and holidays.